Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nov 2 - Cormac McCarthy guesses the answers to jokes

Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Consider the chicken. It does not long for the freedom of the pasture. The coop its world complete. The chicken does not seek grain for grain is delivered by human hand and won with blood speckled beak. Happiness extraneous to survival the chicken is satisfied with the coop and the grain and the expulsion of eggs. Each egg signifying the survival of the line. Each chicken a conqueror. Each egg a soldier. The hand that brings the grain takes the eggs. The wheel upon which no chicken heart breaks. The god of the chicken is not the fair haired savoir to whom the wounded and bleeding cry out in churning sands under the blazing red sun but instead the god that answers these cries. The old god of the Israelites who does not pretend that empires can be built on any foundation other than bone. The chicken crosses the road but does not know the road. The chicken unaware of its crossing.

When is a door a jar?
Each door the corpse of the tree each corpse a monument. Felled and shaped by man to demark boundaries signifying perseverance. This within is mine. The light behind the door defies the dark. The knock comes at midnight. Who is there. No answer. Who is there.  The night itself rapping. The night seeks the light within and does not respect perseverance. Who is there. Who is there. Turning of the knob. Leave me. Leave my door. Who is there. The light within does not illuminate the night the night steals the light away. The door is open.

What’s black and white and red all over?

The appaloosa picks its way between saguaros cautious less the spines tear its flesh or catch its eyes and blind it. Upon its back the remains of the rider skull split and baked black. Dead these three long days. Cracks in the leather saddle filled with dried blood. The appaloosas flanks streaked red lines that curve around its belly. Wait no this one is just a newspaper isnt it. Ive heard this one before.

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