Sunday, January 5, 2014

My Bukowski Phase: 3 poems


Come and go.
Some come smiling, some come like
They’re doing me a favor.
They all go
But feel better
once they’re gone.

One woman, Rita,
Tried to come and go and the same time.
Turned herself inside out.
Her guts and all her organs flopped out
On my floor.
I called 911 and while I waited I
Gathered all her parts together and wrapped them up in a blanket.
Her heart was more gray than red
And heavy.

The paramedics accused me of doing something to her
To turn her inside out.
One of them asked me,
“What did you do?”
I shrugged.
“She tried to come and go at the same time,” I said.
The paramedic wanted to know why she’d done that so
I told him,
“She hates herself for wanting me,”
and he nodded, and scooped her up
and carried her away in an ambulance.

I saw Rita a year later
In the produce aisle
Squeezing the peaches.
She was fixed but had some scars.
We caught up and she said maybe she’d come by sometime, for a drink
But I said
“No, that’s all right. You take care.”
I’d seen her heart
And it was gray
And how heavy it was.


I’m going through a Bukowski phase.
Cheap cigars
(technically an e-cigarette, for health reasons)
(craft stuff, locally brewed, because my palette is very delicate)
Writing poems about stuff like
What time it is
And some dog I saw.

Havent done much gambling because
The forms are confusing, all numbers
And I’ve never been good at math

Oh, and I call women
And the C word
And leer at them
 and pray for them to save me
And get mad at them when they don’t.

I’m writing this poem right now
In a bar
On the inside of a beer label I peeled off a bottle.
I’m waiting for someone to ask me what I’m writing.

When they ask I’ll say
A poem.
They’ll say
A poem?
I’ll say
A poem. Because only poetry can capture how sad I want to let you know I feel,
Because of how different I am, and also I’m an intellectual.

Only actually I won’t say that last part.

A dog barks
On maybe the next block over
At 3am
On a Sunday.

I used to bark all night
And howl
At the moon.

Not literally.

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