Saturday, April 5, 2014

Misconceptions about Crossfit

I don’t have time to exercise!!

This is actually more of a misconception about YOU!!!! Crossfit believes that everyone has time to exercise, and that exercise is everywhere. That manhole cover you pass on your sprint to work? Heft it over your head! Instead of walking down to the Xerox machine every time you need to make a copy, work your core by dragging the machine back to your office! Crossfit gives you the skills you need to carve the body you want out of the life you have.

Crossfit is too expensive!!

Sure, Crossfit is a little pricier than your typical YMCA. But think about what you’re getting—a close-knit community of fellow Adepts. If you’re looking for some old guys to form a book club with, hit the YMCA and enjoy the savings. If you want that next level, if you want to surround yourself with taut, slightly sweaty, super enthusiastic friends with whom (at the upper levels) you’ll be able to communicate telepathically, then finding a way to pay Crossfit’s relatively high fees isn’t so much a sacrifice as a tithe.

Crossfit is a cult!!

Crossfit is not a cult. People tend to use this word to describe and defame any community they don’t understand. These people are ruled by fear. One of Crossfit’s Seven Sacred Guiding Principles is ‘Fear dies as muscles rise,’ which means that union with Crossfit is actually the fastest way to discover how not a cult it is.

Crossfit is dangerous!!

For 99% of Adepts, Crossfit is completely safe. Occasionally, an Adept joins who has either not truly given their heart to the Seven Sacred Guiding Principles or who has angered Zantar in some other fashion—perhaps by failing to ingest the proper amount of protein, and this person falls out of favor and is punished through failure and physical humiliation. In this way, Crossfit is really no more dangerous than any workplace—and unlike most situations, where the Adept who falls from favor is removed from the organization, at Crossfit an Adept who survives their chastening is given the opportunity to regain their place through a ritual we call ‘Box Jumps.’

Crossfit is a fad!!

Uh, only if you call an order that was already well established before Christ was born a fad!!

Crossfit makes you eat a live frog!!

We’ll admit it, once upon a time Crossfit did require that all Adepts ingest a live frog as part of the ascension ritual. This practice was ended in 2009 when a fresh translation of our sacred texts led to the discovery that the Akkadian words for ‘frog’ and ‘water’ were interchangeable. Several other changes were made at this time, such as the elimination of live bats from the workout space and a reduction in time allowed for family visitation.